Activity 1 - Watch This...
Activity 2 - Memory Verse...
How many push ups or sit ups can you do in a minute while saying the Memory Verse perfectly?
Activity 3 - Read and Think About This...
- How did King Herod try to stop Jesus' mission?
- How did the other believers show that they were still trusting Jesus even when King Herod was trying to stop Jesus' mission? (Hint: see verses 5 and 12).
- Which King is more powerful - King Herod or King Jesus? How do you know this?
- How do people try to stop Jesus' mission today? How should you respond to them?
Activity 4 - Pray...
- Write down all the things you can praise King Jesus for and thank Him for who He is and what He has done for us.
Activity 5 - Stuff to Keep You Busy...
We would like to acknowledge that all the teaching content this term has been supplied by our brothers and sisters at They are truly amazing people who love Jesus and want him shared with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Thank you Quizworx!