Activity 1 - Watch This...
Activity 2 - Memory Verse...
"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." Acts 16:30-31.
Activity 3 - Read and Think About This...
- What was the message Paul and his companions were telling people?
- What were some of the things that could have stopped Paul sharing his mission?
- Have you accepted Jesus as your King? How can you be part of Jesus' unstoppable mission?
- What incredible miracle happened when Paul and Silas were in prison?
- The jailer asks them an important question - what was it?
- What was the answer to the question?
- Why was the jailer filled with joy? How does the Good News of Jesus make you feel?
Activity 4 - Pray...
- Thank God for the way he used Paul to spread the message of Jesus.
- Thank God for anyone who repents and accepts Jesus.
- Pray for those people who have not heard the Good News of Jesus that they will hear it and accept it.
Activity 5 - Stuff to Keep You Busy...
We would like to acknowledge that all the teaching content this term has been supplied by our brothers and sisters at They are truly amazing people who love Jesus and want him shared with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Thank you Quizworx!