Activity 1 - Watch This...
Activity 2 - Memory Verse...
Activity 3 - Read This...
Activity 4 - Think About This...
- Have a think back to last week...can you remember what the mission Jesus gave his followers was?
- Can his followers complete this mission by themselves? Why/why not?
- Jesus promised his followers a helper. Who was it and how did he help them?
Read Acts 2: 14-41 (slides 4 to 11) and consider:
- What does Peter tell the crowds about Jesus?
- In response to the question asked in v37 "What must we do?" - have a go at doing the Memory Verse song together as a family or Zoom group.
- If you were in the crowd hearing Peter speak how do you think you would have responded?
- Have you repented and put your trust in Jesus?
Read Acts 2: 42 - 27 (slide 12)
- Write down what the believers did together.
- Why do you think it was important to them to do the things you listed?
- Are there things in your list that you see today at your church, or would like to see happen?
Activity 5 - Pray
- Pray for and about the people in your life you would like to share the Good News of Jesus with.
- Thank Jesus that he has sent the Holy Spirit to help you.
- Ask God to help you see all the ways you are living life your way and not God's way.
- Thank Jesus for what he has done for us by repenting (turning away from sin) and trusting in Him.
- Pray for people you know are on mission (eg the Pearson family in NT or Helen in Tanzania).
- Thank God for the early church and pray that God shows you a way to serve in your church family.
- Pray for a church in another country in the world that they love each other as the early church did.
Activity 6 - Stuff to Keep You Busy....
We would like to acknowledge that all the teaching content this term has been supplied by our brothers and sisters at They are truly amazing people who love Jesus and want him shared with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Thank you Quizworx!