Activity 1 - Watch This...
Source: MCAV Original | Source: Saddleback Kids |
Activity 2 - Memory Verse...
Activity 3 - Read and Talk about This...
- Who listened to Hannah?
- How did she show that God had heard her prayer?
- Where did Samuel grow up? What did he learn there?
- Who did Samuel think was calling his name?
- What did God tell Samuel? Why did He tell him and not Eli?
- Why did Samuel pass on the message to Eli?
- What might he have been tempted to do?
- How would that have changed things?
- Why did God know Samuel was a good choice to be prophet?
- Where/when/how does God speak to us? Do you listen well?
- What things has God said, that you can tell other people?
Activity 4 - Pray...
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you that you listen to us when we are suffering. Thank you for the ways in which you answer our prayers. Please help us to understand that sometimes what we ask for is not good for us and only you know what is perfect in each of our situations and you provide the perfect response. Please help us to listen to you and to know when you speak to us. Please help us to keep our promises like Hannah and to listen to you like Samuel.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thank you that you listen to us when we are suffering. Thank you for the ways in which you answer our prayers. Please help us to understand that sometimes what we ask for is not good for us and only you know what is perfect in each of our situations and you provide the perfect response. Please help us to listen to you and to know when you speak to us. Please help us to keep our promises like Hannah and to listen to you like Samuel.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Activity 5 - Stuff to Keep You Busy...
Watch this video from the Batty Boffin and then try the experiment - you'll be amazed! Hearing the coat hanger being hit without the wool attached to your ear was a bit like how Eli heard God's voice - he heard it but he chose not to understand it. This is evident in the way that he let his sons do what they wanted even though it was against what God wanted. Hearing the coat hanger being hit with the wool wrapped around your finger and in your ear is like how Samuel heard God's voice - in all its amazingness. | Source: Batty Boffin Youtube |