ONLINE KIDS WEEK 9 - Don't Be Greedy or Want What Others Have
Sunday Kids @ 10am - School Age
Activity 1: Kid's Skit - The PyjamasMVAC Sunday Kids @ 10 Original
Activity 2: How Not To BehaveSource: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1971
Activity 3: Think About This and Chat With a Grown Up
Picture Source: Royal Palm World Mission
Source: The Bible In Living Soung
- Have a listen to the Radio Play "Gehazi Covet's Naaman's Money" which captures the thoughts of each character and this will help you to understand better the bible reading.
- Why do you think that Elisha refused to accept the gifts from Naaman?
- Why did Gehazi lie to Naaman?
- Why did Gehazi lie to Elisha?
- How did God punish Gehazi for his jealousy and lies?
- Do you sometimes struggle with being jealous?
- Why do we all need to count our blessings instead of being jealous?
Activity 4: Live and Share Jesus - Fun @ Home
Have a go at some of these ideas while you're at home this week:
- Have a go at this "Rotten Envy" science eggs-periment (you'll get it when you click the link)
- Take the Contentedness Challenge
- Get involved in a Family Fitness Session
- Play some of our new games: Memory Verse Challenge, Life of Joseph, Frog Plague, Fly Plague, Crossword
- Pray together and ask God to help you focus on things that you have and be grateful for them. Ask God for help when you feel jealous or envious of others.