ONLINE KIDS WEEK 10 - Being Perfect
Sunday Kids @ 10am - School Age
Activity 1: Kids Talk - Have You Ever?MVAC Sunday Kids @ 10 Original
Activity 2: God's Law of LoveSource: Lifekids
Activity 3: Think About This and Chat With a Grown Up
sins and rose from the dead. I turn away from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and my life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Saviour. Amen." |
Activity 4: Live and Share Jesus - Fun @ Home
Have a go at some of these ideas while you're at home this week:
- Play the 10 Commandments Game above (if you need help read Exodus 20).
- Have a go at making these "Resurrection Rolls"- they're delicious!
- Take the Contentedness Challenge
- Get involved in a Family Fitness Session
- Play some of our new games: Memory Verse Challenge, Life of Joseph, Frog Plague, Fly Plague, Crossword
- Pray together and ask God to help you focus on things that you have and be grateful for them. Ask God for help when you feel jealous or envious of others.